On Wednesday Bro's Ray and Kyle had to get up early since they were going to ministering at the Christian Academy. There were over 1000 students at the school. Bro. Benda said that they were used by God in a great way!
Thursday morning started with Bro. Garza teaching at the Bible College! The reports were wonderful! Bro. Kyle and Bro. Eric both ministered in the chapel! The reports were great of their preaching (The team was excited about Bro. Kyle stepping out and ministering. He said it felt so natural! God is working in his life!).
During the evening service it was powerful as Bro. Eric and Bro. Nathan spoke for a few moments before the preaching of the word. 609 were filled with the Holy Ghost and over 400 are desirous of being baptized in Jesus name. God did a huge miracle as it began to rain in the early portion of the service. We prayed for the rain to stop and it immediately stopped! If you looked up you could see that the clouds had moved out. The very moment service was over,and mind you we had a long altar, we had just enough time to make it back to the truck as it began to pour.
The entire Crusade was filled with the miraculous hand of GOD. Any doubt of our GOD hearing and answering prayer should be wiped away from any thought!
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